HAAapy birthday to� YOU!!!

At the suggestion of the lovely SarahJanet, I thought I would give Holidailies a whirl, a written one-night-stand roll-in-the-hay if you will. Hopefully that one night of love will turn into a well-written month-long affair that I can look back on with fond memories when I�m old and I think I�m wise but I�m actually annoying the heck out of my grandkids. Be gentle with me, it�s my first time.

This first entry is a little housekeeping, an entry that I meant to write a few days ago. I promise that the next entry we�ll get into the meat of things (which gives me a mental image of all you readers out there (yep, all 8 of you) flipping open the top of my head and hunkering down with fork and knife in hand, checkered napkins tucked under your chins, to devour my brain. I need to get out more).

My birthday was last Friday. I won�t get into the nervous breakdown I�m having about being almost 30, or the panic attack my mother had when she realized that one of her children was almost 30, I�ll deal with that mess later.

This is just about enjoying my birthday, which again went mostly forgotten. Still, it was a better birthday than last year, last year I was already feeling a little left out, a little uncared for. Bear did his best but there is only so much one person can do. I got one birthday phone call, from my mom (I guess it�s hard to forget such a traumatic day). That wasn�t the worst of it though. People are busy and forget to call, and just because a day might be a little bit important to you, doesn�t mean it�s important to them. I understand this, but with a little explanation you will understand why I was so upset.

I had planned to have a birthday gathering of sorts, planned to have people over for movies and popcorn, a relaxing night in with the ones I�m close to. So I spread the word and one person after another informed me that they were busy that night. Fine. I tried another night. The same again. Fine. So I planned to go to a concert and then have people over after. At least the people who went to the concert with me could come over. They picked me up, we went and enjoyed. They drove me home, pulled up in front of my house and unceremoniously dumped me out. I repeated my invitation and they informed me that they were going home to relax and watch a movie. I was heartbroken. I dragged myself into my apartment, eyes watering and throat burning, to call Bear and sob. The rest of the winter was not much better, I�m sure you can see why I had such low hopes for this year.

This year was entirely different. Bear woke me up in the morning by calling and singing me happy birthday on the phone. My mom called me at work to wish me a happy day. The girls at work missed my birthday and I pretty much didn�t care. I went to class, went to my appointments and discovered that I had actually scheduled my appointments for during my class like a big idiot. My massage therapist took me anyways and gave me the massage for free because it was my day.

I got home to a message from Mama and Ceili. Ceili (she�s two and a half) sang me Happy Birthday with prompting from Mama. A whispered, �Louder� in the background would prompt screeches of �HAAPPYYY BIIIRTHDAAAYY TTOOOOO YOOOOOUUU!!!�
tapering to: HAAapy birthday to��
�whispered: �louder�
�. Ear-splitting: �YOU!!!! ��Iloveyoubye!" (click)
That child is soooo adorable.

Later that day Bear came for a visit with a gift. I tore off the wrapping (because I know it drives him crazy when I don�t tear it) and uncovered a Star Wars trilogy box. I knew right away that the box was a trick so I opened the box and inside was another package. More torn wrapping revealed the exact gift I had hoped for: the Buffy Season 7 DVDs. I was so excited I just shook it up and down and laughed when the DVDs turned and squeaked inside the box. With the gift came the promise of a Buffy Date: to cuddle up on the couch with Bear and watch Buffy for hours. YAY!

Bear had school and I soon left to go to Smacked�s for her first Christmas Movie Night of the year. Since it was my birthday she let me select the movie, the Muppet Christmas Carol, which also happens to be one of her favourite movie of all time. When I arrived I discovered to my surprise that she had knitted me a lovely long blue scarf. Personally, I think this is an excellent gift. It was so cuddly and warm that I didn�t want to take it off. It was also excellent timing, the temperature dropped to minus 17 overnight and the snow started piling up.

The weekend was pretty birthday oriented too. On Saturday I went for a visit to Kristian�s for cookies and tea and she surprised me with a nice basket filled with tea treats and writing goodies and a book on finding your direction in life (see last entry for direction, lack of). Sunday Bear and I had our Buffy date (with crumpets, mmmm!) and then we went for dinner with my family. My brother had planned the dinner so that he could come before he had to drive back to Cow-town for school but unfortunately since the weather was so bad he had to leave five hours earlier than he had planned. It�s a good thing he did too; the highway was closed shortly after he got there.

My parents, my sister, Bear and I went for pizza at Pharaoh�s (seriously - the best cheese pizza in town) and then home for chocolate cake with yellow icing and chocolate-covered cherries on top (in case you were wondering, it looked nasty but tasted really freaking good). My parents got me a frame for my degree which is excellent because my NAIT diploma is already wrecked from being in the plastic for too many years and it costs 60 bucks to replace a degree. All in all it was a very nice birthday weekend. I went in with a better attitude than last year and hopefully that new attitude will last me the year.

2004-12-07 || 11:15 a.m.

going :: camping

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