Really Big Bottle of Ketchup

Okay, seeing as it's been too freaking long I'm going to do an official summary entry to get everyone up to speed (with pictures) and then I'm going to cruise right along until approximately one week ago. I have partially written entries that I'm going to complete and put in flash-back style when there isn't quite so freaking much going on in my life. And I have now officially met the freaking quota for an entry. No more. Ahem.

Firstly, I had breast reduction surgery. Basically I went from this�

To this�

Let's see that again�this�

To this�

Yes, it hurt. No, it wasn't as bad as I expected. Yes, there will be details in a later entry.

While I was off work for the surgery, I got an interview for Kristus' old job. I went in, I thought I bombed my interview because I ripped stitches on the right side of my chest immediately before going in and my main thought through the entire interview was, "Oh, please don't be bleeding through my shirt." Apparently they just thought I was unusually pale and had the flu or something and were hoping I didn't throw up or pass out or anything. They hired me.

I went back to old job, worked insane amounts of overtime finishing things up on my old job and then started the new job, which I am enjoying.

My first week at the new job, Bear and I moved in together. We got a fabulous three-bedroom apartment with a dishwasher and washer and dryer! Hurray!

This brings you up to mid-March. Most of the remaining time was spent moving in, Bear finishing his job, Bear being unemployed for a while, Bear starting a new job and the both of us planning the wedding. No stress, right?

Roughly a month ago, Arat and Kristus threw me a "family shower", which for some reason I thought was going to be awful and traumatic and it was actually lovely. We had some food and chatted and played a couple of games and I opened some gifts (this was what I was stressed about). I had a really good time, it was nice to hang out with my family.

This is me, my sister, Arat and Kristus at the shower.

The next weekend we had our "co-ed shower", which basically turned out to be all of our friends having a big gathering at Africa's parent's place. There weren't too many gifts to open so it was nice and low stress. We did receive some really cool stuff though and we're both excited to start using our new toys soon.

The weekend after that was our "cookie making day". We went out to the farm with Bean and Arat and baked roughly 460 cookies and wrapped them in little towers 3 high in blue cellophane tied with silver ribbon. Favors, done!

All of a sudden it was the week before the wedding. Smelly and Roscoe flew in from the land of warmer-than-here and the festivities began. Bear and his boys went out to play some paintball (word is they dressed him up in a lovely yellow dress and told him to run before opening fire). The girls went out to dinner at Earls and then to the Druid for some dancing fun. I had a nice surprise, Plaid wasn't supposed to arrive until Thursday and she appeared at my stagette that night!

Here is most of the group (a few people went home before going dancing and Lawn is taking the photo.

Here we are drinking our gladiators.

I had a good time, the girls had a good time and I wasn't too sick to function the next day. Although Bear's state was another story.

For some reason, having a stagette made it all sink in that I will actually be getting married in less than a week. I had a minor freak-out the next morning, looking at all I had to do before the week was done. Compared to this, my panic attack when I realized that our dairy products expired after the wedding was nothing at all.

Next up, the day before the wedding.

2005-05-15 || 10:07 p.m.

going :: camping

Official NaNoWriMo 2005 Participant
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