First Date

I promised at entry about my first date with Bear a while back and this seemed like an appropriate time since our anniversary is this week.

I met Bear in Wammick and actually knew him for 3 years before we started dating. We started talking on a group trip to Princess' Condo in Kimberley and we both immediately realized that we wanted to get to know each other better. Soon we were spending several hours every second night talking on the phone, emailing each other at work, and we had "movie nights" every second week. We would each bring a movie that the other person hadn't seen and we would make popcorn and drink rootbeer with vanilla vodka and stay up all night talking. We generally spent a portion of every movie night cuddled up together on his futon with my head on his arm, his chin resting on my head and his large warm hand lying across my hip. When we actually figured out that the interest was mutual, it was more like a business arrangement than a romantic interlude, but our first kiss was on yet another movie night and it had enough romance for anyone.

Bear decided that he wanted to have an official first date with me, early on in our relationship. He wanted to do dinner and a movie, but I'm not a huge fan of the typical formula date. I suggested fondue and a swing-dancing lesson, since he had commented earlier that he had always wanted to learn to swing dance but had never had a chance. We devoured a cheese fondue and then savored a chocolate fondue (using extreme fondue rules). We then cleared some space in the living room, threw on some Big Bad Vodoo Daddy and the lesson began.

Bear was a quick learner and mastered the basic steps and turns easily. I knew that he wanted to learn a few of the flashier moves so I started teaching him some dips. We walked through the first one a few times and had no trouble. I explained to him, "Ok, don't dip me unless you're comfortable and ready. Make sure you're well balanced. Don't dip me too low; I'm heavy. Are you sure you're ready for this?" He nodded and we began.

I curled in tight against his chest as he wrapped an arm around behind me and began to lower me towards the ground. He started to lose his balance but was determined not to drop me on our first date, so he just kept hanging on and came along for the ride. His mouth smashed into the bridge of my nose, driving his teeth into his lip and causing a burst of pain in my face. Still he hung on and we continued falling. His left arm, which had been originally curled behind my back, had swung out in his attempt to find balance now swung back in and collided with my right ear, cracking the cartilage at the top of my ear. Still he hung on and we continued falling. I landed on the floor on my back; he landed on top of me, face to face, crushing me into the carpet. Since he was taller than me, the corner of the futon that missed my head was just the right height to crack him in the face as he landed.

There was a silent pause as the booming echoes of over 300 pounds hitting the floor simultaneously died away. We caught our breath and burst into laughter, howling hysterically until tears ran down our faces. "Why didn't you let go?" I gasped. "I didn't want to drop you!" he giggled. We assessed the damage: Bear, split lip where his teeth had gone in and bump on his forehead, Me: cracked cartilage in my right ear, swollen nose and sore back. We giggled the entire rest of the night. What a story this would be to tell our grandchildren!

Since then we don't swing dance anymore, and definitely don't do dips, but man you should watch us salsa!

2003-10-27 || 11:59 p.m.

going :: camping

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