The Anniversary Edition (Just Because)

Bear and I went away for our anniversary on Thursday night. We rushed home from work, made cheese fondue (mmmmm), cut up fruit for our chocolate fondue, dropped off lines for the girl's hockey game and off we went. We got to the B&B at about 8:30. It was really nice out there: homey and peaceful. Our room had a jacuzzi and a king-sized bed and a view of the lake. I want a king-sized bed! I've never been in one before and it was fricking huge!

We then went down to the guest lounge (which has a fireplace) and danced for a while, went back upstairs and had a bath in the jacuzzi (tiny=cozy). We heated up the chocolate for our fondue (mmmmmmm) and ate the fondue with extreme fondue rules. We weren't dropping the fruit in often enough for my liking so I started wantonly knocking his fruit off the skewer. Tons of fun! We exchanged gifts while we ate. Bear got a new watch, a turtle pendant, a pin, and a homemade calendar with photos of us from the past year. I got a canoe paddle, a love letter with a picture of our hands, and a maple leaf necklace that he had picked up on our trip to Ottawa last year.

We watched "Like Water for Chocolate" lounging on the king-sized bed. I have a recommendation: don't watch this movie late at night on a tiny TV when you're tired. It has subtitles. Also, it gets really creepy farther on in the movie so it's not really the most romantic movie, despite what the cover says.

We lay in bed talking, with nothing between our souls but our skin. I fell asleep with my legs looped over his, my head lying on his chest and his hand cradling mine. Bliss!

Breakfast the next morning was fantastic: Strawberry-Vanilla tea, orange juice, fresh fruit with yoghurt, warm raspberry muffins and blueberry pancakes with whipped cream. Mouth-wateringly delicious.

Bear's love letter was somewhat like a list of reasons that he loves me (very sweet) and coincidentally I had already started a similar list. So here you go Bear, another anniversary present to open:

The Top 100 Reasons That I Love Bear:

1. He laughs big and loud, with his whole body.

2. He loves reading as much as I do.

3. He funny and goofy and silly and never embarrassed about it.

4. He's incredibly practical.

5. He's careful with money, but will still occasionally splurge on the people he loves.

6. He drags his feet when walking in the snow so that I can walk in his path without getting my feet too wet.

7. He's generous, with his time, his money and his enthusiasm.

8. He has more confidence in me than I have in myself.

9. His mischievous little boy grin.

10. He loves his family more than anything.

11. His boundless enthusiasm for his baby niece. (He's even enthusiastic about changing diapers!)

12. He is incredibly patient in teaching others.

13. He is not afraid to show what he feels. If he's happy, the whole world knows it. If he's upset, look out.

14. He wants to travel and see new places, even though he hasn't seen much yet.

15. Despite his severe allergies, he's not afraid to live fully.

16. He sings everywhere. Just because.

17. He's physically strong and likes to use his body.

18. He has desire to improve himself through hard work.

19. He decides on goals and takes logical steps to reach them.

20. He's a good driver.

21. He loves camping as much as I do.

22. He knows the exact amount of sympathy to give so that I feel loved but don't wallow.

23. He's ticklish.

24. He's more ticklish than I am!

25. He wants his parents to be proud of him.

26. He cooks, and enjoys it.

27. He has big warm hands.

28. He laughs often.

29. He can go outside in the dead of winter in just a t-shirt and complain that it's too hot.

30. He gets along with my psychotic hair.

31. He gives the best hugs: big strong arms with just the right amount of squeeze.

32. He's thoughtful.

33. He's not afraid to be affectionate in public.

34. He thinks my squinty-eyed hair-out-to-here morning look is cute.

35. He bakes with enthusiasm.

36. He worries about me when the weather is bad.

37. He apologizes genuinely and without hesitation when he's done something wrong.

38. He can leave a video game to talk to me.

39. He wakes up early and reads his book while I sleep so that when I wake up he's the first thing I see.

40. He's not afraid to cry, but isn't a cry-baby.

41. He plays the bass and the guitar, and can sing while doing either.

42. He has the warmest smile.

43. He has sexy cheekbones.

44. He loves canoeing too!

45. He always gets the perfect gifts.

46. He listens to me and remembers the important stuff.

47. He's cuddly.

48. He's way more intelligent than he thinks he is.

49. He has the most amazing and expressive eyes. Gorgeous blue-green that change color with his mood.

50. He has faith.

51. He wants the same things that I want out of life.

52. He loves his job and works hard. He doesn't know how to be any other way.

53. He likes to try new things.

54. He dances with his whole body.

55. The way he dips me.

56. He can laugh at his mistakes and misfortunes.

57. His hair sticks straight out from his head in all directions and is baby-fine.

58. He wants to be the hero sometimes.

59. He sleeps on his side so that his snoring doesn't keep me awake.

60. He loves animals and is good with them, despite being allergic to most of them.

61. He's protective of his sisters, his niece and his roommate, and sometimes me too.

62. He's proud to be a computer geek, but doesn't look like one.

63. He's good in bed but thinks he isn't.

64. Everybody I know likes him.

65. He brings me soup and cookies when I'm sick.

66. He asks for help when he needs it.

67. He's manly

68. He teases because he loves.

69. He tries to be a rebel but isn't very good at it.

70. He likes my family (except for my creepy Uncle that no one likes).

71. He's excited when I phone. Even if I left his house 5 minutes ago.

72. He gives help whenever he is asked, whatever the inconvenience.

73. He's not hung up on gender roles. When we camp he'll let me chop wood or build the fire while he cooks and does dishes. Some of the time.

74. He has a childlike enthusiasm for toys.

75. He loves me and isn't afraid to show it.

76. He likes to fall asleep holding my hand under our pillows.

77. He gives great neck rubs.

78. He can't spell worth a damn but doesn't really care.

79. He lets me take silly pictures of him.

80. He's gentle; he would never intentionally hurt anyone.

81. He gets excited about presents, both giving and receiving, just like a little boy.

82. He thinks that I'm both cute and funny (this is not a common opinion).

83. He'll call to make sure I got home safely, even though I only live a block away.

84. He's better at being romantic than I am.

85. He has great taste in books.

86. He laughs at farting noises; he can't seem to help it.

87. He loves that I get excited about cheese.

88. He occasionally buys me flowers "just because".

89. He calls me at work just to see how I'm doing.

90. He works hard at everything he does.

91. He puts up with my crotchety grandma.

92. He takes good care of me when I'm upset. He knows just what to do.

93. He has a great offbeat sense of humor.

94. He thinks my tiny feet are funny.

95. He has a backbone. (I mean personality-wise. He's obviously a vertebrate!)

96. He's good at teasing. (He can dish it out and he can take it).

97. He has great shoulders and upper arms; strong, muscular and powerful.

98. He is one of three people in the entire world that can wake me up in the morning without receiving an injury.

99. He supports me in everything I do.

100. Just because.

2003-11-03 || 4:38 p.m.

going :: camping

Official NaNoWriMo 2005 Participant
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