Pass the spatula, please

It seems about time for a wedding update, since we've gotten so much done in the last little while. So those of you that are bored by this stuff can skip it. No complaining, I'm excited about our wedding.

Just before Christmas we went with Africa to get her dress. She tried on every different style, even some pink ones just for sizes although she looked utterly miserable in them. Bear and I knew we wanted her to be wearing midnight blue. Africa ended up picking the same dress that my sister is wearing (Postie is wearing burgundy though). The funniest part is that Africa's dress is almost too short and my sister's needs to be hemmed by about a foot.

I know it's hard, but picture this in dark blue instead of pink (bleh, pink). I'm so excited about these dresses; the girls are going to look fabulous! (And just in case you need to credit this sort of thing, the dress photos are from the Reitman's online catalogue thingy. Please nobody sue me.)

The other girls are wearing the outfits below. Kristus and Pug are wearing a burgundy top and blue skirt; Arat is all in blue because we couldn't find her top in burgundy anywhere in western Canada.

On the 27th we went out with the men of our party to get suits or tuxes. The first store we went to was terrible. No customer service at all and nothing that you could even try on. It worked out okay though because by the time Roscoe got there we were pretty much done with that store. We then all traveled to the more popular tux shop in the area. Service there was much better, by the time Sailor and I arrived Bear already had on a shirt and pants and was trying on some hilarious looking jackets. It wasn't that the style was so ridiculous, but it's really hard to tell what something will look like on a person when you've just seen it on a mannequin. He looked kind of like a miniature version of himself. He's not short, he's 6 foot, but this coat was so long it made him look like he had no legs.

Eventually we ended up deciding on a better jacket with a silver vest and tie for Bear. For the groomsmen we chose a blue vest and silver ties, with blue and silver poufs, and with a blue and burgundy pouf for Sailor. (Just a note for anyone else who is looking at tuxes this year: the new style is to have the knot of the tie all bunched up. It looks like the men are wearing slouch socks under their chins. The only blue tie available was slouch sock style which is why our guys are wearing silver ties.) Our men will certainly be looking spiffy day of.

The next day, Bear and I went to attempt to register for gifts at the Bay. It seemed kind of early to do this, but we had a certificate for bonus HBC points if we started it before the end of the year. Registering is way harder than I thought it would be, especially at a place that we don't often shop, except for other people's weddings. We did okay on kitchen appliances and knives but that took us almost 2 hours and we had less than a page of items to choose from. On so many items it was just too hard to justify asking our guests (or suggesting to our guests) to buy something that we would never spend that much money on (hence, the shortness of our list). We decided that we'd sit down and figure out exactly what we actually need before going back and trying again. Africa also suggested going to Home Outfitters instead, which we may try too.

Bear had a ton of fun playing with the scanning gun. He scanned everything in sight (making little gun firing noises, "Pew! Pew!") including scanning my bum. People kept thinking that I worked there for some reason, maybe because I was carrying a clipboard, and kept asking me for directions and stuff. I guess the next time I go I need to look more lost, or call dibs on the scanner gun.

With all of this accomplished, our entire wedding party outfitted and looking pretty damn awesome and the registry begun, we thought we were done with wedding stuff for 2004.

We went to an extended family gathering on Wednesday, at the home of our MCs (Chnanners and her dad). Bear was chatting with the friend of the family who we had wanted to have cater our wedding but the timing didn't work out. He asked what else we needed and when Bear mentioned that we still needed to find someone that would make our atypical wedding cake, he volunteered. When we told him what we wanted he just said, "Consider it done." I'm so very excited to have found someone so easily that can do what we want. We thought that it would be difficult to find someone who could make our cake since it would be a very unusual shape but he said that it was definitely doable. Now all we need to do is find out what he needs from us in terms of details, photos, money, supplies etc. I'm stunned that something we thought would be so difficult would turn out to be so easy. (I'm being evasive on purpose as the planned cake is a surprise shape. Shush, you'll find out in May).

All in all things are rolling along quite smoothly. I'm just waiting for us to hit some major bumps in the next few months and having to spend an extended length of time scraping our heads off the car roof with a spatula.

2004-12-29 || 3:32 p.m.

going :: camping

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