New Diary

So, a new diary. Hm. I haven't had one since I was about 8 and some girl at my birthday gave me an Annie diary. I wrote in it what I got for my birthday and then promptly lost it for 10 years. The one previous to that my mean older cousins found and ripped pages out and colored on others and wrote on the last page the following message "You know nothing about boys or sex or anything important." Well. I was 8 years old. At age 8 you're not supposed to know about anything important. You're supposed to think about things like sandboxes and recess and monkey bars and who can do the best tricks or spin the most times.

Aside from my first year of university when the nutty nun that I had for English 101 made us write something every week, this is my best stab at a new diary. Wish me luck!

2003-08-27 || 12:59 p.m.

going :: camping

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