Wienercat Flu-Shot NaNoBirthday Whining

I LOVE my new layout. Love. It. Smacked is an angel and she came over and set it up for me and even hosted the images for me. She rocks.

Reasons this layout is perfect:

I picked it for myself, but Smacked and Africa picked it for me too. (I initially typed that as "butt smacked".hee.)

The background is my favorite color (forest green).

I have that exact camping kettle.

I have that tablecloth in red checks.

We had lawn chairs exactly like that when I was a kid.

The tent is the exact shade of blueish that our tent is.

I can literally eat an entire bag of marshmallows at one sitting, carefully roasting each one and peeling off the gently browned outer layer before re-roasting the tender white insides into another gooey sugary brown skin.

I love it.

In other news, I am older since my last entry. "Much older", as Bear would say since he's two years younger than me and generally acts about 5 years old. He did his best to make my birthday special, even though my birthday is generally pretty crappy.

I had one birthday, I believe it was my 19th, that started with my mom setting off the alarm system in our house at 5 a.m. and not being able to shut it off and ended with my boyfriend and myself having food poisoning.

My birthday is at a crappy time of year. It's close enough to Christmas to get the joint b-day/xmas gift (I don't care now but I hated it as a kid). It's often on the last day of university classes so you can't get in to any restaurants or bars in the area. Everyone is in lab exams, studying for finals and too tied up in pre-christmas stuff to have time for me.

For the past 5 years or so I have been celebrating my birthday in mid-January with a several part party. Last year I got tired of all the work involved in that and didn't have one at all. I think Bear noticed but no one else seemed to. This year I started planning to have one for next weekend. I started telling people to keep it free. Person after person was busy. I started feeling a little sorry for myself and getting moderately whiney about it.

The day of my birthday was definitely not spectacular. Bear tried to surprise me in the morning by coming over and setting up the shower curtain/hook arrangement he had bought me�forgetting that I got a new shower curtain 2 weeks ago. He had left the light on in the bathroom and came into my bedroom to wish me a happy birthday. Meanwhile, I had woken up to a rustling noise in my apartment a few minutes before my alarm and turned over to see a large male form silhouetted in my doorway. I swear I jumped over a foot straight up off my bed. I thought I was being burgled!!! (I'd just woken up remember). Bear was lucky that I didn't wake up a bit sooner and brain him with a frying pan!

Anyway, he left a card and the ducky shower curtain hooks in my bathroom for me to find and gave me an awesomeawesomeawesome necklace with a figure of a guy paddling a canoe on it. I LOVE IT!!! I am also not allergic to it like I was to the last necklace he gave me (which made me sad). He phoned me at work and sent me an insulting birthday e-card. He gave me a marguarita and let me use his computer. He also gave me the 5th season of Friends on DVD, which is exciting despite the fact that I don't own a DVD player.

Work was meh and I had to leave early to get a flu shot. Yup, you read it right, a flu shot on my birthday. Suck. For some reason I got super dizzy from about 5 minutes after the shot to about 3 hours later. I felt terrible so I went home and had a nap until our hockey game (which we skipped choir practice to attend).

After having the top ranking in our division for participation and "spirit" our team defaulted on the playoff "bonus" game. We were one player short. Suck. We played anyway and got horribly beaten by a kind of cranky team. We had fun, got tired, got silly and laughed our heinies off. It was great! At the end of the game the entire team sang me happy birthday on the ice. There is absolutely no way you could tell that we were a choir-based team! Aaaahhh, singing and hockey, a match made in heaven!

So meh, not much of a birthday despite Bear's much appreciated efforts. I've pretty much given up on it this year again. Sailor didn't call, nor did Pug or Arat. I didn't actually hear from most of my friends. If it hadn't been for the hockey game, I think I only would have gotten wished a happy birthday by Bear, Africa and my Mom (and Rosie a day early and my sister on Sunday). It made me sad but really it's just a birthday. I don't get every single person's birthday on the day either.

I think I just take these things too personally. When I plan an event or party, I try to make it when the greatest possible number of people can go. This takes quite a bit of arranging most of the time and so, understandably I think, I get upset when people don't show up. It bugs me that people will say they are coming and then go to something else instead. When I plan events I try to be as inclusive as possible and make sure that everyone gets notice. It's not terribly rare for someone to be talking to me and refer to an event that I have no idea is even planned (although I could just be terribly oblivious). Okay, now I'm just talking bitter. Please ignore the previous self-pitying paragraph. I'm fine.

Tonight was fun though. Smacked came over after her concert to help me with the template thing then we went to the NaNoWriMo wrap-up party, which she graciously allowed me to attend despite having stopped after word 7,444 due to renovations etc. It was kind of neat to hang out with a dozen virtual strangers from different backgrounds with several geeky characteristics and an attempted novel in common, and to talk about whatever came up. Even the waitress joined us. My high points for the evening were when I got confirmation of a suspicion, and our humorous conversation about "wiener- cats" and "dumbwaiters/dumb waiters".

And I leave you with that deep thought, it's off to bed for me! Hehheh, wienercats. Heh.

2003-12-04 || 11:55 p.m.

going :: camping

Official NaNoWriMo 2005 Participant
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