Google Me

I was having a look at my stats this morning, by referral, and discovered that I�d gotten a google hit for �what makes a person worthless hopeless loser�. In fact, this very journal came up first on the hit list. The funny thing is, the entry wasn�t about me, it was about my evil ex. Hah! Vindication at last!

Granted I also got a hit for �pirate pancake�, which makes me wonder what they were looking for when they found me. Maybe pancakes shaped like pirates, which is a super-cool concept. Guess what Roscoe is getting for his next birthday?

Finally, I got hit for �how to wear a bandana�. Good God people! Just put it on, don�t google it. Do you live under a rock?

Have you ever googled yourself? Just to see what would come up? If I google my name-in-real-life), I get work related stuff. If I google �canoegirl�, this journal comes up, then some photography company, Chef Canoegirl (who apparently cooks on the campfire), and some girl who has STOLEN MY IDENTITY! and has it linked to her identity in real life. Apparently she�s a graphic artist and has a livejournal. I had a look and the page it links to talks about her visit to Kanab, Utah, the only place in the States that I have ever been to. Weird.

2005-01-07 || 8:52 a.m.

going :: camping

Official NaNoWriMo 2005 Participant
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